Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Free USB Drive

I recently found a Free USB Drive. It may take a while for you to receive it. Here is the info about it from the website.

" was created under the basis of two undeniable facts:
    ONE: Businesses want brand awareness because it means more sales and greater customer loyalty. TWO: Everyone likes FREE stuff.
So how can businesses build brand equity, consumer loyalty, and increase their brand awareness, while at the same time providing customers with free things?

The answer is obvious.. by giving away free useful promotional items with the advertiser's name or brand clearly marked on the product the customer is receiving for free.
Wait heard about this before??
Of course you did it's been done for decades at trade shows, colleges, universities, shopping malls, groceries stores, markets, and more.
However we take it one step further, we've brought it online, and made it very easy for advertiser's to target specifically targeted markets all over the world.
So an advertiser from Manchester looking to advertise to male students age 18-24 in London, can make sure his free promotional product (flash USB drive) goes only to that specific market.
This reduces the waste of advertising dollars experienced at tradeshows when companies are forced to give free things to people who are at the tradeshow, but not in the target market."

I don't know how big the usb drive is or anything. It was on so it has to be safe otherwise I don't think she would have put it on her website. I just figured I would pass on the news. They have a FAQ and a Contact us tag so if you have any questions feel free to email them. I'm getting it to put pictures of my boys on. But anyway. Thank you for your time. Have a blessed and wonderful day.

I found this Freebie at

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